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Psalm 119:105Good Morning, friend, my name is Michael De Rosa and I want us to look at Psalm 119:105

Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

I usually have a lot on my plate and find myself many morning needing to take some deep breathes as I read Scripture and talk with God as I try to make sense out of the plans I have made for the day.  

And what I always come back to and what always brings me peace of mind is to come to that place where my hopes for the day become aligned with His word

No wonder the Psalmist tells us that His word helps us see where we are going

Meditating on His word helps put my life into synch with God’s plan for me.  I don’t always get it right, now.  At times, I find myself rushing ahead of God and at other times I find myself rationalizing why my plans should be OK with Him.

And while I bear the marks of discipline for such times, I will tell you this:  I am eternally grateful that our Heavenly Father does not budge on His only standard for right living :  namely, His word

Your servant in His Journey



Categories: Psalm 119:105