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But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took to flight;
Wow! God is powerful. Consider that only by the utterance of His word, the waters moved.
What things do you need moved in your life, friend, that God could not dislodge by the power of His word?
What things have we hung onto because we presumed that we just needed to tolerate them?
Now, I would be leading you astray if I told you how all this might be done outside of directing you to His Holy Word to encourage you to read and to pray and to meditate upon His Holy Profoundly Powerful Word.
And, yet, I will tell you that when you humble yourself under the hand of God, He will exhalt you in His time. He will rebuke those things that have been a snare in your faith walkout of your life, and restore and rebuild those things that increase your faith.
Will you spend the time today to see His Mighty deeds in your life?