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Today I want to talk about your walk with the Lord, and my text will be

2 Corinthians 10:32 Corinthians 10:3:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,



My Christian friend, when you are living the life that God has called you to, you will encounter opposition.

And such opposition is designed to erode your faith in God through Christ until it destroys you you; and it will not stop on this side of Heaven.

God, though, has not left us alone in times like these because He has given us a strategy, a weaponry that is not of this world. Namely, it is not by our own cunning, personality, persuasion, or resources that we will come out on top.

For if we seek victory over these struggles by asking God to fix things without even bothering to spend time with Him in His word it is absurd because God can not provide any sort of victory apart from Himself being in the center of our lives.

So learn about spiritual warfare. Soak yourself into God’s word. Then take action by faith in following the leading of the Holy Spirit to victory