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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be looking at Isaiah 55:2,
“Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And delight yourself in abundance.

….And that abundance is witnessed when our lives become simpler through heeding the invitation to eat what is good, which is God’s Gospel

Yet…God’s Word reveals what we already know in our hearts: namely, that we spend our days in vanity, doing stuff that will never satisfy that inner deep longing for rest.

And the core reason why we are spending our time with things that don’t satisfy is because sin has dampened of vision on what is essential in life.

And…still… God, in His mercy continues to extend this invitation to us.

So, I beg you. I urge you. Listen carefully to God.

Ask yourself, “Are you satisfied with the way your life is going?” I mean totally satisfied?

Now, in closing, don’t accept anything less than a deep abiding 24/7 peace, because anything less IS NOT what God’s invite is all about

Categories: Isaiah 55:2