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A picture of the Supreme Court with the words God is still reigning over it


Good Morning. This is Michael, and today I want to talk about Victory. In the midst of the disappointment from the new law of our land relating to same sex marriage, I want to encourage you with these words, found in Revelation 19:6

 “Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.

So, Praise the Lord.

Consider, if you will, this LIFE is a game and currently the opposing players have knocked us down with this recent rulings. (Mind you, though we are knocked down, we are NOT knocked out. Big difference.)

And it is our play.

As I look over God’s word, I really don’t think our strategy is to wage a Holy War. Nor, is it to roll over and just wait till the end.

Some people will and have opted for these two extremes.

Rather, as we declare God’s reign may we find his power and grace to love the sinner so much that they would see Christ in us.

So my friends,

Be bold but not brash.

Be loving towards, not lording it over the sinner.

Remember the mess you were in when you became Christian.

Remember the struggles you still have as a Christian.

Remember that The Lord God reigns.