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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be Psalm 104:4
He makes the winds His messengers,
Flaming fire His ministers.
What does this mean? How is wind made into a messenger? And how is fire a minister?
First we must understand the context, namely that this entire psalm is telling us the we can bless God because He cares for us.
And it is through that portal we can appreciate the following:
As wind can be very loud, like a hurricane, or soft and gentle like a summer breeze we are reminded that God cares for us by getting our attention in loud, dramatic ways, or sometimes by gentle nudges.
And then, as fire illuminates and purifies, God cares for us by illuminating answers to a struggle we have, or by exposing a problem area and purifying us from a habitual sin.
My dear friends, there is nothing that God does not use to show us His great care.
How can you be more mindful of that today so that you can more readily bless the name of our Lord and Savior.?