Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 5:20:
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Have you, like I, met individuals who are perplexed about their mission in life? Well, this is a key verse to help someone discover his calling!
Now you just might be asking me, “How does that help? Everyone would be doing the same thing” And, I would reply that you are halfway correct for while, God does want us to bear witness to The Good News of Redemption through His Son’s, we will discover our uniqueness as we live that out day by day.
Let me further explain, by asking you several questions that I will want you to pray about:
- Where do you find it most natural to proclaim His good news?
- What type of activities are you engaged in as you share Christ’s love?
- Are there a certain group of people whom you gravitate towards when you talk about His redemption?
And, by doing this, I believe, that you will keep God first as you unwrap the calling He has for you.
Be empowered through His love as you share His story,
– Michael