This is Michael De Rosa and today I will look at Psalm 104:15

And wine, which makes a human heart cheerful,
So that he makes his face gleam with oil,
And food, which sustains a human heart.

God gives us food and drink in order for us to live a cheerful, robust, joy-filled life so that we can know Him better

While the thought of a  glass of wine with a delectable meal may cause us to lick our lips in anticipation, such provisions are designed to set our affections on the Provider

Friend, table Grace should never become an unconscious habit, but a prelude to opening our eyes to see all the joy God has for us through the meal we are about to eat.

So, dear friend, look beyond the meal, the snack, the seemingly meager piece of bread in your hands, and see the Creator, the Provider, the only one that will ever fully sustain your heart.

Categories: Psalms 104:15