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Today I want to address prayer and my text is Jeremiah 33:3
‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’





The simple and profound truth is that God answers prayers…every time.
And, yet, we are not always aware of it, for at least two reasons Let me list them:
First, we are stuck on what we want
Second, God needs to deal with sin in our life before addressing our prayer

But… when we submit ourselves to God, to His will, to the entire counsel of His Will, we are ready to understand how the things we are praying for are to line up with His eternal purpose for us and through us. When we come to this place, we will readily realize that our perceptions of our needs and of what is important pales in light of God’s overarching design.
Now, mind you this: I am not saying that our concerns are of no importance. Their importance though lies in their being a stepping stone, a motivator for us to go to God
And God will answer. Above what you could ever ask or think.