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Happy Easter! This is Michael De Rosa and today I want us to look at Matthew 28:7, which reads:
Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
Go quickly… How prompt are we in sharing our faith and to simply tell people that His is risen…or, do we try to share the good news by way of telling people what Jesus could do for them?
You see, the Good News is not about Jesus fixing our problems, but it is about connecting us to God through His life and death and resurrection.
Now did you notice that this command is towards His Disciples, not to the unsaved?
You see, my friends, like those early followers of Christ, we loose sight of who Jesus is when we inadvertently allow society to dampen our faith.
And, when this happens, friend, to your brother or sister in Christ, I beg you to go quickly, to not let that slide of despair continue longer, in order to relay the Good News that all of God’s promises are true because he is risen. He is risen indeed.
Go quickly, friend and may God bless you on your journey,
Happy Easter,