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Forgiveness will set you free Matthew 6-12_edited-1Good Morning this is Michael De Rosa and today I want to talk with you about forgiveness. My text will be Matthew 6:12

‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Forgiveness is not forgetting the wrongs that others do to us, but it is allowing the grace and mercy of God to heal those wounds to the point that we can see them from God’s vantage point.

The other day I returned a product to Home Depot and was very clear in my instructions of putting the refund back onto my credit card. Instead, the cashier gave me cash. I asked if he could rerun it, but it was too late.

What wasn’t too late was his owning his mistake and apologizing for it.   I am telling you that ANY frustration I had quickly left me…because of this, and I readily and fully accepted his apology.

It is a lot easier when the person owns up to his mistake, but we are told to forgive anyone who has wronged us

Not easy, and only possible through faith.

This is another reason why we need Jesus: to bridge the gap between the offender and us.


Look to the Cross and find forgiveness


Blessings on your journey!


Categories: Matthew 6:12