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Good Morning, and Happy New Year. Let’s look at Proverbs 19:20
Listen to counsel and accept discipline,
That you may be wise the rest of your days.
As we begin this New Year, I wanted to offer you some sound advice in the midst of our making plans and resolutions, and while having hopes and dreams that this year will be the most awesome year yet.
Well, if you are like me, you want that. So let’s build a good foundation for this by seeking God daily for the counsel and the discipline He gives.
Now, while we cringe at that word ‘discipline’, if we are honest with ourselves -and I hope your are!- there are times in our life when we just need a good talking to in order to help set us right. To realign our plans and our actions towards Godly endeavors.
So let’s not allow plans to loose weight, or to get a new job, or to start a business, or anything else get in the way of our seeking out God’s counsel and disciple
Don’t think for a moment that seeking Him is going to rob you of the time you want to spend on your other plans. Rather, I have found that because God is intimately acquainted with all our ways, that He already knows what the wise choices are for us to make.
So, seek Him.
Blessings on your Journey this New Year,