Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.
Wanting to our Father is part of our DNA, yet, without Christ, all our efforts at praying were misguided and ineffective. Now, though, you and I can talk with the Father as the Holy Spirit guides us into His presence.
Before we were reconciled to Christ, we often took matters into our own hands and any thoughts of praying about such matters were not forefront in our minds; but, now we have and audience with God the Father, a face to face relationship.
Before reconciliation we eagerly sought all the things that we thought were necessary to living well; but now, we know that our Heavenly Fathers already knows all that we need.
Do you long for a greater intimacy with our Father? Try, then, starting and ending your day by talking with the Father about your concerns and His desires for you