Good day, this is Michael De Rosa and I am looking at Ephesians  1:10, today:

10 This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.

Good News Translation

Have you ever imagined how everyone you would meet during the course of your day would treat each other if they loved one another as God has planned?

Can you imagine if all humanity was brought together by recognizing Christ as Lord, and everyone else as their brother or sister? 

Well, God’s plan will materialize one day. Every knee will bow to Christ the Lord, some though out of fear for knowing their unconfessed sin

And while we don’t know the specifics, we do know there will be incredible unity because of God’s love in us and through us to one another.

While all this is God’s doing, let’s pray to receive the Holy Spirits anointing and power to bear witness to this truth by living it out today.

And let’s watch what God will do through His people