Living like King’s Kids

dove with olive branchAgain, we are plowing into God’s Word by way of talking about the Sermon from the previous week.  I have found that this is allowing the congregation to better wrestle with the precepts of God in order to help them (all of us) in our discipleship journey.


Today, we looked over Joshua 5:1-9.

I created a powerpoint presentation for this time, hoping that the visuals would accentuate the learning/processing God’s Word towards a deeper level.


The largest take away from this time for me was that I was energized that God is doing something big in our little church.

I am so grateful that regardless of a church’s size, we can all ‘measure up’ to live holy lives.

The questions I have underneath some of the slides were asked of others in our group, and I welcome you to wrestle with them.  Let me know how you are doing with them.

Lastly, if you are looking for a church home, come by and visit us as we are learning more about how to live as disciples of our Lord and Savior

Blessings on your journey


Categories: Discipleship