Good Day this is Michael De Rosa and I will exploring Psalms 104:33:

I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

The Pslamist’s heart-felt expressions erupt in a symphony of music and it lasts for AS LONG AS HE LIVES.  

That, friend, is something to pine after.  For how could anyone sing while noting such things as the likes of our pandemic, the upheavel’s in our political system?

Granted, the Psalmist was not living in a world like ours, but he, nevertheless was living in a world like ours, namely a world that was infected with evils, with any and all things that would attempt to pull his focus off the truth that there is a God and that He is sovereign. 

Friend, if you confuse a having a positive attitude with walking in faith, then dealing with life’s relentless problems will eventually exhaust the limits of your being. 

So, in closing if this type of singing in not bubbling over in your life, pray to the Lord of all creation to create in you a renewed heart