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1 Thessalonians 5:18Good Morning,  this is Michael De Rosa and I want to draw your attention to

1 Thessalonian5:18

in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


I want to challenge you today to consider that we are admonished to be cheerful 24/7 in the particulars of any situation.

Giving thanks in the midst of a painful times is not meant to flippant towards the trials.  Rather we are admonished to grasp that it is nothing less than God’s will to have an attitude of gratitude because He is sovereign and loves us

Namely, God has a plan for us. 

And when we grasp ahold of this -or rather, when we are enlightened through the Holy Spirit to see this- we truly will give heart felt thanks

Now, I am not even remotely suggesting that we don’t need to dig deeper into the whole topic of suffering in light of our Almighty God so that we can learn how to articulate our faith towards others.  

Yet, what I am saying this day is to not miss out on the simplicity of faith that ushers us into the reality of truly in everything we can give thanks….because it is God’s will for us in Christ