Ephesians 5:18

So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 


rying to understand God’s will without being born again is about as futile as trying to get jello to stick to the wall; or about as dangerous as stepping in a puddle of water and grabbing two live wires.  In the first example, you will at best, waste your time, while in the second example, at worst you will end your time.

This entire section of God’s word is all about us recognizing that Christians are called to a Holy Standard because they have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And, it is on THAT foundation we are now urged to not be foolish but understand what the will of God is

In closing, let me share one thing that I am delightfully discovering:  I am learning the freedom of praying, then going;  AND  going, while praying.

In other words, when I do my best to put God first in all my plans, He will and does guide me, and He is pretty good at correcting or fine tuning my course as I am continually dependent upon Him.