Ephesians 3:19 

I ask that you’ll know the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness of God.

When we pray for others, how often do we pray like this:  asking our Father to help others know the love of Christ?

Just the other day, I was more attuned to the numerous stresses that each one of us faces in any given day:  situations that are unjust, that are inconsiderate, that breed anger.  

So, while WE do need to pray through each one of these, and we, also, need to pray for others as well, I can only wonder what might happen if we became more intentional in  asking our Father that they may know the love of Christ in those situations…

,,,because His love  goes far beyond knowing a quick fix to the stress;  rather, His love exposes the root of the stress and gives us the confident joy to walk through it