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Today I want us to look at Colossians 4:6

Colossians 4:6Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.







The other day, I was saddened when I caught myself chuckling at a story which poked fun at another person. I tried to turn the conversation around, but to little avail.  

When we are laughing at someone else’s expense, I believe -from God’s word- that we are missing the opportunity to turn that ungodly amusement into desperate pleas of asking God to intervene for this reason:

  • We are laughing at someone whom God loves and for whom Christ died

Let me ask you this question:

  • Would you say the very things you are saying and think it just as entertaining IF the person whom you are joking about was in the room with you?
  • Would you do this is you knew that God’s going to take this time into account on your day of judgement?
  • Is this how you would want others to treat you?

Now if you tell me, Michael we were only having fun.  Lighten up,  I would reply that it is BECAUSE you are having fun that I am telling you this

We must become more sober minded of what we do!