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Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa and today I need to talk with you about Abiding and my text will be John 15:4
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me
Jesus is pressing us to realize that this link to God needs to be something far more substantial than producing fruit. Namely, he emphasizes the utter importance of abiding in Him
However, o ur busyness is crippling us. How ironic is it that we have so much technology that we can be plugged in to what ever is happening around us 24/7; and yet, fail to be connected to the One who allowed us to even have it?
And while we may understand this not to mean being in a prayer closet all the time, we are hard pressed to paint a word picture of how this looks for us. Yet…
One litmus test to help us know how well we are abiding is to note how much we get stressed during the day. The more poorly we are managing the stress, the less we are abiding
Why not take a few moments right now to be with Jesus.
Blessing on your Journey