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The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their inheritance will be forever.
The Lord’s knowledge of His Children’s present situation is not an academic knowledge, but an intimate and experiential knowledge. Namely, God is ever present in our lives, and He sees the good and the bad that we encounter each and every day. He knows our temptations and our shortcomings and He knows that the title of blameless has been bestowed upon us as we confess that Jesus Christ as our Lord and King.
We, likewise, can have an intimate and experiential knowledge of how involved God is in our daily lives. So while we experience those daily struggles, we were meant for so much more, namely to know beyond a shadow of doubt that God cares for us even in the thick of things.
And this faith is meant to victoriously take us through each day as we focus on our forever.
While we can only imagine what Heaven will be like, I heard this description a while back
Consider the greatest moment you ever had and multiply that by infinite: That picture will help us begin to grasp the overwhelming expansive Joy of Heaven.