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Psalm 51-10


Good Morning, this is Michael De Rosa. Let’s look at a portion of Psalm 51:10

renew a steadfast spirit within me.

The Psalmist’s cry for renewal is the only way to live a vibrant Christian life.

While developing a more positive mindset towards life, or embracing healthier habits are commendable, our prayer to God for a renewed spirit must be primary. Otherwise our focus becomes on our own best efforts.

Now, let’s look at the reason that would prompt us to pray

It is awareness of the pain

we have caused others



due to our sinfulness

Such transparency comes only when we have become aware of a God who will care for us and love us in spite of all the skeletons in our closet

A renewed spirit brings refreshment into our lives. It allows us to see situations from God’s perspective and to become that change agent who has a witness that is glorifying to God and edifying to others

The only thing we have to loose when seeking God like this is our pride.

So, let’s allow God to take His inventory of our lifes each day so that we would become more attuned to our need for a renewed

Categories: Psalm 51:10