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Today we will be looking at John 6:29

John 6:29 Works for GodJesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.”







Work is energy, and in this lifetime we must take opportunity to assess what we are doing in light of its eternal significance.

And, while our ministry, or the expression of our God-given gifts can be helpful for others in their saving knowledge of God, we would be considered wise if we continually reflected upon the rebuke given to the Ephesian church in the book of Revelation by asking ourselves this question in the midst of our doing good for others: have we left our first love.

Otherwise, the efforts we make to bring others to more of an awareness of God’s love for them, will do nothing to build us up in our own personal relationship with God

And, more than this, as others may well be thanking us for their finding saving grace, if we have lost our own love for God, Satan has already taken this into account and will desire to use it to destroy us.

So, in closing let me leave you with this question: What are you really working for today?

Categories: John 6:29